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Required Officers 



  • Update the officer list, including contact information, via Memberhub

  • Obtain the files and procedure book from previous president.

  • Set a calendar - Mark all known dates as soon as possible.

  • Appoint committee chairs and a parliamentarian in accordance with the PTA By-Laws.

  • Meet with the principal to discuss school plans for the year and keep him/her informed of PTA activities throughout the year.

  • Schedule a board meeting/orientation to organize the PTA for the coming year.

  • Work with all committees to develop plans of work.

  • Work with the treasurer to ensure that the unit’s 990 has been filed.

  • Perform other duties as provided by in your local PTA By-Laws.


President Job Description



 Please contact our state office if you need any advice concerning being a local unit or council treasurer.



  • Keep the records of the national/state portion of membership dues separate from the records of the general funds of the local PTA.

  • Remit dues and a membership list to Alabama PTA promptly after collection. 

  • Have custody of the funds of the PTA and maintain a full account of those funds.

  • Make disbursements as authorized by the president, board of directors, or the PTA in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTA.

  • Have checks signed by two authorized signers. (Authorized includes those officers on the bank account)

  • Keep accurate account of receipts and disbursements in books that belong to the PTA.

  • Prepare and present written financial reports to the board of directors and the general membership meetings.

  • Present a written annual report of the financial condition of the organization.

  • Submit the books annually for an audit; report findings of the audit to the board of directors.

  • Perform other duties as provided by in the By-Laws.

  • Ensure annual 990 is filed to the IRS.


Treasurer Job Description



The secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of proceedings of the local PTA.



  • Maintain an accurate list of memberships as received from the membership chair.

  • Record all business transacted at each general meeting, board meeting, and executive committee meeting and present the minutes for approval at the next meeting.

  • Have for reference at each meeting: bylaws; agenda; minutes of previous meetings, including treasurer’s reports; list of committees with members’ names; and list of PTA members.

  • Prepare in advance of each meeting an agenda, if requested by the president.

  • Call meeting to order in the absence of the president or vice presidents, unless bylaws specify otherwise, preside until a chair pro-tempore is elected. Count a rising vote when requested by the presiding officer.

  • Act as custodian of all records, except those specifically assigned to others, and promptly deliver all records to successor.

  • Conduct the correspondence of the association.

  • Notify officers, committee members, and delegates of their election.

  • Send notices of board and general meetings.


Secretary Resources 


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