Legislation and Advocacy Resources
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Legislation and Advocacy Resources
PTA Advocates for:
The expansion of quality preschool programs
Programs that promote the health and welfare of all children and families
Stable and sustainable public education funding comparable to the top ten states
A full curriculum for all students that includes P.E. and the arts
Legislation to reduce the effects of poverty on children and families
How PTA Advocates:
PTA is a tax-exempt IRC 501(c)(3), non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-commercial organization.
PTA may take positions and advocate on public issues but not on candidates
Taking positions on candidates would jeopardize PTAs tax-exempt status
PTA speaks up for all children and families to make a difference at the local, regional, state and national level.
The National PTA takes positions and advocates on federal issues
California State PTA takes positions and advocates on California issues
District PTAs take positions on issues affecting their city and county
Unit PTAs may take positions on issues that affect their local community
Get Your Unit Involved:
Place a Legislation Chair on your Unit Board
Review PTA position statements and resolutions
Take a position on a local ballot measure
Hold a candidate forum
Contact your legislators
Units must follow detailed procedures at each level (National, California, City, and neighborhood) to get approval to for the PTA to take a position and advocate on Public Issues.
The required procedures can be found in the PTA ToolKit.
For more information refer to https://capta.org/focus-areas/advocacy/
Questions? contact 18th District Legislation Chair at @18legislation@gmail.com
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Upcoming Events
June 30
Executive Board Meeting
July 1​​
CAPTA Unit Trainings
July 13 - July 23
General Association Meeting
August 19 @ 6pm Zoom